Dandilions are in full bloom and some other wonderful things like violets, wild strawberry, cherry trees are glorious this year, and some rather dreary apple blossoming. May not be a good apple year.
The bees seem happy in their new abode. It is still cold. 50 degrees at 9 am when I took these pictures this morning.
We moved my friends hive to her house and it was easier than using those frick'n ratchet straps I bought, but made it so all we had to do was lift the hive into her car. A few stragglers wanted in and patiently waited while we undid the entrance block for them. I think we got them all and no one came home to an empty hive spot. Just in case I put an empty hive there. This hive all the colonies seem interested in for some reason so I can't tell if this morning what I was seeing were stray bees.
Beautiful morning.
Apple trees ending their bloom. The bees found it just fine.
I also played with my solar melter for the first time and worked famously. Like an oven. Cleaned the wax right off my old frames.
The Garden last day of May 2014
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